10 Reasons Why an Operations Consultant Will Make Your Small Business Flourish

10 Reasons Why Working With an Operations Consultant Will Grow Your Business

Growing pains are a part of any company’s story. Don’t think you are putting your foot on unexplored grounds. It has happened before and, now, it might be happening to you. The brighter the future, the bigger the challenges that progressively arise. 

Fortunately, humankind has a way of learning from experience. In harsher times, predators would be hunting us down at nightfall. We managed our way around it by discovering fire. When we struggled for stable food income, we started farming. Nowadays, we find ourselves mixed with other conundrums of mother nature, but our decisiveness in favor of progress surely hasn’t dwindled.

That’s why you, small business owners, are here. You are no stranger to challenges, but one person can only do so much. And you would be right, too: this is your own time to start farming. To flourish, you need to fertilize, first. That’s where an Operations Consultant comes in handy.

In this article, we will talk about all things Operations Consulting. From the basics (what even does an Operations Consultant do?), to whether or not it would be a good fit for your Small Business. Then, you will see the ten reasons why you should give it an honest shot. Finally, we will wrap it up with a small pitch about us to get to know each other better. Who knows? Maybe you’ll want to get started right away.

Business owner meeting, discussing, analyzing graphs, financial data, and planning a project with an operations consultant at a desk

What Does an Operations Consultant Do?

After all that build-up, you must surely be hoping we make it up to you by giving direct answers. An Operations Consultant helps companies streamline every stage of their value chain. The name of the game is efficiency and effectiveness. 

We are not throwing these words lightly, hiring an Operations Consultant will save you money. It achieves that by analyzing everything your company does across 6 function areas and developing methods and metrics to be more productive. Inefficiency can cost your business up to 30% of its revenue every year.

When To Use an Operations Consultant

These are the criteria we use over here at SBG Consulting to help out all of our potential customers, feel free to use it as a guide!

  • Great fit for businesses having 2-50 employees on the payroll.
  • You need high ROI within the next several months
  • Benefit from a short-term engagement (< 6 months commitment)
  • Value ease of operating your business after finishing our collaboration: Full report and next steps guide provided at end of the term.

This is a no-brainer if you feel like you are missing out on what senior leadership brings to the table and are trying to grow out of operations constrained by managing single-digit employee headcounts. 

10 Ways Your Small Business Will Benefit from Operations Consulting

Without further ado, here are ten reasons why you should consider hiring an Operational Consultant:

  1. You will get proficient advice. We can’t advocate for every company out there, but we can guarantee at SBG Consulting that you will get the best advice for small businesses there is!
  2. Your efficiency levels will go through the roof. Think of streamlining every step of each process your business goes through. This kind of optimization leads to long term benefits.
  3. You will save money and time. Subsequently, efficiency results in money and time saved up. A Business Operations Consultant will advise in favor of tasks that add real value.
  4. Broad range of competencies. A professional specializing in organizational operations, outsourcing, sales, marketing, research and development, leadership, and business management will be at your disposal in a one-on-one relationship.
  5. Improvement at every level. It has been brought up several times. We are talking about a wide range of subject matter from things like recruiting and onboarding to logistics, procurement, and supply chain.
  6. Fewer headaches. You already have your plate full. You could use a helping hand to help you delegate appropriate areas to the team through great consulting services.
  7. Expand your outlook. Clients who heed the advice of their consultant often prepare their businesses for so much growth you could be looking into expanding your market to a wider area. Others do some experimentation with different products for their prospects.
  8. Competitive advantage. If you are a small business owner, chances are your competitors are not looking into this sort of investment. Not because it’s risky (which it’s not), but because of the lack of ambition and entrepreneurship to make headway. Oftentimes, we rely too little on other people’s potential to get us where we want to be.
  9. Innovation. Solving problems requires ideas. A different, external perspective that hasn’t been around before might bring a fresh standpoint on the big picture to work from.
  10. Happier customers and employees. A company that runs smoothly and has benefited from an operations consultant with a focus on leadership translates into a healthier workplace. Happy employees provide better service for customers. Everyone wins.

This list could go on and on, but we figured ten is a nice round number. If you’re looking for more information be sure to check out our digital brochure and rate card.

The Importance of Small Business Operations Consulting That Cares

You don’t really need a $500k Rolex when all you were looking for is something that gives you the time. SBG Consulting is like the good old Casio that will never let you down. The one that talks your language through its functionality, flexibility, and comfort. It’s just who we are

Budget is a big issue with the big consulting companies. You can get billed thousands of dollars and still feel like you are going through to a voicemail every time you talk to them. SBG Consulting guarantees the utmost professional customer service while being given a leg up from one of your own

Personalized attention from people that are always happy to hear from you and are energized by your success.

SBG is Where Your Small Business Grows

SBG wants to hear from you. We would love to have a quick 15-minute chat with you to introduce each other. In just 15 minutes of your time, we guarantee you will have identified 3 to 5 things holding your business back. We will even give you a summary document afterwards so you can review these on your own.

Would you trade 15 minutes for the success of the rest of your life? 

Oh, and we haven’t mentioned the best part yet: those will be completely free. See, we are willing to put our money where our mouth is. You can rest assured we will make it worth your time by giving our own at no charge.

So, what do you say? Do you have 15 minutes?