Leadership Coaching for Business Owners and Team Leaders

You probably already know SBG Consulting is operated by Barry Hansen, ASBC®. What you may not know is that in addition to Barry’s analytic background he also holds a Master’s Degree in Leadership. In a leadership coaching engagement with SBG, Barry will help you unlock your internal leadership strengths so you can be effective and profitable while leading a team in today’s complex economy.

Discover your hidden potential through leadership coaching. Motivational concept with iceberg – bigger part representing potential is hidden under water.

How is coaching different from consulting?

Leadership coaching is an exploration tailored to the individual. Discovering your leadership style and practicing your leadership skills can take many months, but it happens naturally throughout the course of what you are already doing. At SBG our leadership coaching program is a great fit for any person who has or will have direct reports within the business. This could be a business owner or a team lead.

Rendering of man's silhouette walking up the steps to leadership. Showing the power of leadership coaching to motivate you to climb to your goals.

When you sign up for coaching you are trying to learn personal skills, in this case how to lead and empower the team around you to achieve their highest potential. If you’re considering coaching you may already have a goal in mind and you probably already know you are capable of being a great leader (everyone is) but you might not know how to unlock that potential. In leadership coaching we go through a process of discovery focused on a goal you select to achieve a future you envision.

Consulting however, is about finding answers and implementing solutions, in a fixed amount of time. We analyze your business from top to bottom using proven tools and systems to uncover root causes of any problems. After that we put the fixes in place to optimize your operations. The work is done as a collaboration, where you get advice based on our experience and you’ll learn not only the right processes to use in your business for the long term but you see results in the short term. When consulting we don’t want to build a multi-year relationship with the client, because then we aren’t valuing the problem they are facing today. Think of consulting more as an intensive bootcamp, and here at SBG that never lasts more than 6 months.

Why Leadership Coaching?

Succeeding in business requires great leadership. Our coaching service can teach you to be a great leader and a world-class manager. Today’s economy requires more interpersonal skills than ever. We wrote an entire article just on being authentic because it’s such an important factor in profitability today. Leadership coaching is usually bi-weekly or monthly and designed as a long-term relationship.