Fractional Chief Operating Officer Services

Graphic representation of the essentials of strong partnerships in business and the functions executed by a fractional COO. Icons on a blue background.

Ignite growth in your company with our Fractional COO services. A Chief Operating Officer from SBG is an ideal fit for companies with at least a couple different departments and more than 20 employees. If your company isn’t at that point yet look at our Consulting Service for a better match.

Your contracted COO handles the nuts and bolts of operations while you focus on the overall direction and expansion of your small business. Fractional COO services give you the ability to bring in the expert knowledge and skill of an individual with experience executing a CEO’s vision in a budget-friendly relationship without any of the long term overhead associated to recruiting, hiring and benefits administration.

Our approach takes your strategy and vision and puts the process in place to make sure your people drive profits. Execution is everything!

What are the benefits of using Fractional COO services?

Red paper plane out of line with white paper planes rendered to show flexibility of fractional COO service arrangements

Flexible Arrangement

Not all businesses have the same needs, but they all can benefit from the right Chief Operating Officer. Duties can include:

  • Deploying new resources or organizational change initiatives
  • Developing KPIs and SOPs
  • Evaluating new strategic directions
  • Reviewing (or creating) reports to find operational or financial opportunities
Senior leadership of the business team indicates the direction of the movement towards the goal. Crowd of blue men goes for the leader of the gold.

Senior Leadership

Get the most out of the limited resources a business has by accessing over 15 years of experience managing others in high performance environments. Small, growing companies often hire less-experienced full timers with plans to teach and develop those individuals but then quickly realize they don’t have the resources (time) to do so. This violates the most important responsibility of a business owner, setting your employees up for success.

Budget friendly depicted by a piggy bank rendering with a tightened belt.

Budget Friendly

Avoid the overhead of expanded payroll and hefty benefits packages needed to recruit and retain talented individuals. Fractional COO services can save 75% versus the cost of bringing an experienced individual on full time. Each week you may need someone for a few hours or a few days and we develop each arrangement to fit the requirements of your business.

Bright light bulb drawing provides a fresh outlook.

Fresh Outlook

How many times has someone on your team said “we’ve always done it this way”? This statement has become all too common and holds many businesses back. When you are working in the details of the business every day, it is natural to get drawn in and lose sight of the view from the summit you are trying to reach. Bring fresh air and new insight to your thought process with an outside perspective.

Fractional COO services have a minimum contract length of 6 months. This is due to the importance of a COO having a strong rapport with the team and understanding all functions of the business to best achieve the synergy needed for success. However, clients typically sign on for 12 months or longer to get the most out of the investment. In all arrangements the needs of the business are analyzed through a couple of Google Meet discussions before any agreements are drafted to make sure that we can provide the best support for you and your business. If you’re a nonprofit looking for senior leadership, consider our nonprofit management support.

Schedule 15 minutes to tell me a little about the problems you are facing. I’ll let you know a little more about my background, skills, and experience. After that we’ll decide together if your organization is a good fit for Fractional COO services, and if so, we can schedule a follow up conversation to get further into the details.